Personal Injury - Auto Accidents, Premises Liability, Wrongful Death-- Our personal injury cases cover all types of injuries suffered under many different circumstances and accidents. Whether you are injured in an automobile accident, a motorcycle accident, a pedestrian verses automobile accident, a trip and fall accident, a slip and fall accident, injured due to an object falling from shelves at stores, or injured due to physical confrontation with employees or security guards, we can handle your case. Whether your have suffered back injuries, spinal injuries, neck injuries, herniated disc injuries, bulging discs injuries, nerve impingement injuries, whiplash injuries, broken bone injuries, knee injuries, brain injuries such as concussions, we know how to recover the money needed to get you back on your feet.


  • Auto Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Injury
  • Vehicle Injury
  • Vehicle Malfunction
  • Defective Products
  • Airbag Failure
  • Brake Failure
  • Tire Defect
  • Manufacturing Defect
  • Assembly Defect
  • Commercial Vehicle Accidents
  • Rear-End Accidents
  • T-Bone Accidents
  • Vehicle / Pedestrian Accident
  • Manufacturing Defect
  • Vehicle / Bicycle Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Dog Bites
  • Tire Defect
  • Rollover Accidents
  • Aircraft Accidents
  • Boating Accidents
  • Watercraft Accidents
  • Parking - Stop Trip and Falls
  • Semi Tractor - Trailer Accidents
  • Medical Negligence / Nursing Home Abuse
  • Hospital Negligence / Malpractice


QUESTION: What happens when an at-fault driver doesn't have enough insurance to cover my injuries?
ANSWER: Often, clients are entitled to compensation for amounts that exceed the insurance limits of the driver that caused the accident. For example, a client could have medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or other damages that warrants compensation of$80,000.00, but the person who caused the accident has only $50,000.00 of insurance. One of the ways to obtain a full recovery is to collect from our client's own insurance company on the uninsured/underinsured driver's coverage. If our client has such coverage (which must be offered pursuant to Nevada law), we will we work to recover under our client's policy. Sometimes our client's are concerned that by making a claim under their uninsured/underinsured driver's coverage, their insurance company will raise their premiums. However, Nevada statute (NRS 687B.385) states that "An insurer shall not cancel, refuse to renew or increase the premium for renewal of a policy of motor vehicle insurance covering private passenger cars or commercial vehicles as a result of any claims made under the policy with respect to which the insured was not at fault." Thus, if you have such coverage, you can rest assured that if you make a claim, Nevada law says the insurance company is not allowed to raise your premiums when you are not at fault.